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"It goes without saying that Express is the biggest deal for Node.js business"

- Chuoxian Yang

Before Express, my experience with web servers was primarily centered around Apache/PHP and Puma/Rails. With Puma, I was able to quickly get a Back End up and running, but the application would almost always be extremely heavy and inefficient. With Apache, I could get a lightweight Back End up, but it was highly complex and would take me quite a bit of development time. With Express, I can quickly and easily get a lightweight Back End up and running in minutes. I am aware that servers such as Flask and Sinatra exist that work similarly to Express, but for whatever Express is the one that just sort of clicked for me. I am very comfortable working in an Express Back End, and will usually reach for an Express server if I need a quick API endpoint up and running. I've also found it works extremely well and easily in a serverless environment, which really helped me get up to speed in serverless!